Saturday, August 25, 2012

fake oakleys the little guys to hear it even if they are full of division

Father who will not be overheard friends, the little guys to hear it even if they are full of division, we is practice, practice, you understand? So that my recovery rate to be faster. Dong Biyun pressure to the bottom.
Dong Biyun white, no longer speak, the clothes of two people are quickly reduced, in the downstairs one after another slogan, to start right and proper thing.
The KMT with the People First Party, this time to launch demonstrations can be said is unprecedented, at the same time, they are also the joint from the other smaller parties, non-partisan legislators in the Legislative Yuan issued a challenge to the authority of the President, legislators, and chief of the Kuomintang to the Legislative Committee Chairman, the President submitted letters of impeachment, the impeachment of the President, Vice President and all of Chen Shui-bian government officials.
Legislators agree with the proposed impeachment of more than 60% after secret vote, and immediately the Liberal Democratic Party once again pulls out to give up the Chen Shui-bian to keep the old policy of the Liberal Democratic Party, but die-hard supporters of Chen Shui-bian curse those who are traitors.
KMT with the People First Party, in fact not only want to impeach the president, or even intend to amend the Constitution, it must be the bit rate of support can be elected to put an end to Taiwan's electoral system simply can not reflect the contents of the public.
Bian Government scandals exposed on the network, things are still in continued, the issues involved, not just the politicians or foreign businessmen, and even involves a lot of small countries is a popular political figure who, at one time the world scandal falling by the wayside, to whiten their own, many people make a clean break with Taiwan relations, including Vice President of the United States flatly cut more than ten billion U.S. dollars in military procurement projects intertwined with Taiwan, although the arms dealers are very unwilling, but the current situation and under the United States has put pressure on Taiwan,fake oakleys, so they had no alternative. election approaching, and then make things difficult for a lame acting president has been useless.
After three days of debate and Chen Shui-bian, who in person to clarify the impeachment project has finally started to vote in the Legislative Yuan, the voting result is not beyond anyone's expectations, the hopeless situation of Chen Shui-bian government finally had lost more than three-fourths of the legislators agreed to the recall, so the recall began to enter the referendum procedures, in accordance with the rate of support of the current fell to a median of view, Chen Shui-bian to step down sooner or later.
Chen Shui-bian began they decorum skin, satire competitor is China's dog, but a telephone interview with the audience voiced their thoughts and feelings: rather be a cow of China, Japan dog, Chen Shui-bian, you can get out of Taiwan and China do not welcome you! Taiwan's sovereignty in accordance with the violence of the material on the network, if I am to engage in independent success will be some countries or groups carve up clean, and likely a few years later annexed to Japan, I am even think that the Japanese side to Mongolia, as the Taiwanese as five citizens look at the Taiwanese do not fall out with strange.
Settled, Xiaoyu Ling also sleeping for five days after the wake, the meager opportunities nfl riding tourists to Taiwan with everyone around the attractions have fun in a circle, then back to the mainland the agenda will be Dong Bi

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